Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fantastic Video showcasing deleted "Godzilla 1985" scenes

I found this fantastic video from YouTube user "gigan997" that chronicles various deleted scenes from the "Godzilla 1985" film.

...well not really deleted scenes, as they remain available in the international "Return of Godzilla" DVD release...

...but rather omitted scenes that were nowhere to be found within the American VHS release.

I highly recommend everybody to take a look, as you'll see images related to various long-lost scenes.

Some of these scenes are so makes you wonder why in the heck American editors left them out on the cutting room floor.

My personal favorite are the scenes involving Godzilla walking by a skyscraper and his reflection gleams off of it, and another one where a crowd gathers around a comatose Godzilla (after being shot with Cadmium missiles), only to run away in horror as he is revived.

Why oh why were these fantastic scenes omitted?

I really hope an American DVD release is made of this film that integrates these long lost scenes, so that Godzilla fans here in the US can finally get to enjoy them.

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