Monday, January 30, 2012

Godzilla in a "Greatest Movie Monsters" list

In celebration of the upcoming release for "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" (the sequel to the successful "Journey to the Center of the Earth"), has made a list of what they consider to be the "Greatest Movie Monsters" ever.

Godzilla of course is included, and they have this to say about the King of Monsters:

"Also known as Gojira, Gozilla first stared in self titled film ‘Godzilla’ in 1954. Since then Godzilla has had a successful career starring in 28 films.

Fans were left raging as the giant mutated dinosaur’s reputation was tarnished in Roland Emmerich’s 1998 remake in which Godzilla was portrayed as a heartless rampaging monster.

It might surprise you that Godzilla actually became a saviour, defending the human race from other monsters!

They've included other famous movie monsters like King Kong and the Great White shark from Jaws, but what was really interesting were the wildcard entries like the Gremlins, the giant marshmallow monster from "Ghostbusters", and others.

Take a look to see if any of of your favorite movie monsters made the list: Greatest Movie Monsters

By the way I've seen the trailers for "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island", and while the film looks okay what really stands out is how smoking hot Vanessa Hudgens looks.

They are certainly stressing her looks here...and honestly who can blame them for this.  She is scorching, and I'm willing to see the film just to see her in it.

I've included her official poster and the trailer for everyone to see what I'm talking about.


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