Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ever wonder who created the official "Godzilla" poster/image for Legendary Pictures?

This is of course the official (and famous) "Godzilla" image that Legendary Pictures released back in 2010, this in anticipation of their still-in-production "Godzilla" movie.

It was famously released at the San Diego Comic Con that year and was emblazoned throughout multiple t-shirts, posters, various trinkets, etc.

(There was even a t-shirt made that featured this image "breathing fire" if it was placed in front of a webcam).

What made this image especially popular was that it introduced the path Legendary Pictures was taking with their Godzilla design.

It reaffirmed that things were coming back to normal. This Godzilla would be the classic design we all know and love, not a re-imaging like in the 1998 film.

Well if you've ever wondered who created this's none other than user "Genzoman" over at

Here's what he had to say about this commissioned image on his website:

"Hi there guys! GOOOOODDDDZILLAAAA!!! RUUUUUUUN!!!!...This is a Image I done the last year for Udon, Legendary pictures / Toho as a promotional image for San Diego comic-con for a upcoming Godzilla film. The image on the boot worked with aumented reality, (godzilla roaring releasing flames everywhere) and also featured in t-shirts.

hehehe, hope you like it, I LOVE godzilla, I grew up watching the old Godzilla and Kaiju/sentai films, so this was a really fun work to do thanks a lot to for all the help and advices about this.

hope you like it"

How cool is it to be asked by a major movie studio to create an image that would be seen worldwide.

Amazing stuff.

Here's the direct link to his website if you wanted to see more of his work:

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