Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reasonable Remakes: Godzilla: A Retrospective has a monthly/weekly column dedicated to reviewing movies geared towards future remakes, and this week they've focused on "Godzilla", the 1998 movie that, to this day, still sparks a hot debate between Godzilla fans everywhere.

The author of this article takes a VERY negative tone towards this movie, calling it "one of the worst remakes ever made".

He also feels that the symbolic message felt throughout the original film is lost here in order to make a "cheesy monster flick".

He also has big problems with the casting of Matthew Broderick as the main hero, as the actor's former comedic roles like in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" fail to add the seriousness that this movie should have had.

And other stuff in his article, which I've included the link here: Reasonable Remakes: Godzilla: A Retrospective

Good points...but still a little too extreme in my opinion.

Despite the faults that the film had, and the extreme liberties it took towards redesigning the monster, it's certainly not one of the worst remakes of all time.

Devlin and Emmerich set this movie out to be a big budget summer blockbuster, and in that regard it paid off in spades.

(In fact one can find all of my thoughts on this film through my official Youtube review here).

For better or for worse the movie still has an impact with audiences...enough for Emmerich to openly state that it's the film he gets most asked about by his fans...enough for Columbia Pictures to release both a Monster Edition and a Blu-Ray version...enough for Legendary Pictures to decide this past investment is still a worthwhile venture.

One last thing too...I still think Maria Pitillo was the major HOTNESS in this film.

I had such a huge teenage crush on her when the film came out, as these pics below showcase why.


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