Thursday, March 1, 2012

'Godzilla' Hamilton cell tower plans dropped

Who knew that in this day and age people could rise up to a Godzilla sized project and still win?

A while back in September I had mentioned that a cell tower was planning to be built in Hamilton, NJ.

Such a tower would have measured over 160 feet tall, dominating the landscape so much that neighbors were already calling it "Godzilla".

(You can find my original article on this here).

Well come a few months later and those plans have suddenly reversed...with no official explanation given by the developer yet.

Everyone suspects though that the public outcry by surrounding neighbors, along with various letters to public officials and even talk of lawsuits, was enough for the developer to switch gears.

Power to the people over Godzilla?

Maybe, although this is a classic case of N.I.M.B.Y or Not In My Back Yard.

It's the classic scenario where neighbors will protest anything the minute it starts happening in their neighborhood...but if it's happening in someone else's they could care less.

For the full article on this updated news please go here: Godzilla Hamilton cell tower plans dropped

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