Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Take Godzilla 101 at the Hungry Brain

Who knew that Godzilla movies had so much depth in them?

Well some people think so, which is why two groups called "Homeroom Chicago" and the "Japanese American Service Committee" are teaming up to present an in-depth analysis on various Godzilla related items.

Coupled with special guests, slide-shows, questions and answers and yes even film clips, it looks to be a great time.

If you're in Chicago during March 13th then feel free to join this discussion at the "Hungry Brain", a social location for "informal lecture and discussion series' in which enthusiasts explore sub-culture and pop in front of a drinking crowd", whatever that means hehe.

Personally I think it's another excuse for people to get out and drink, but when it involves Godzilla then that's the extra cherry right there!

For further info on this presentation check out this site here: Godzilla 101: The Birth of an Atomic Monster

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