Sunday, March 4, 2012

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #11 Rankings

And the downhill slide continues for the penultimate issue within the Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters series.

Last time out issue #10 came in at 183rd place with 9,294 issues sold.

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #11 actually jumped up higher in rankings, coming in at 177th place...but that's only because the multitude of comics ahead of it also sold less.

All in all this issue only sold 8,676 copies, another 500+ drop of issues sold!

For those wondering how unsold issues can affect comic book publishers like IDW, my understanding is that it comes through two ways:

1) the comic book stores order less copies of something that sells low. Such a cycle is only natural, which obviously affects future sales within the series

2) unsold copies at a comic book store can be returned back to the publishers for a discount/refund, which can also threaten future publications from said publishers

(On a side note one can see why digital comics are being pushed so heavily by all comic book publishers. Virtual issues do not come with overprinting risks).

We'll finally be able to see next month how the final issue in this series plays out when it comes to sales.

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