Friday, March 9, 2012

Godzilla Video of the Day

Epic video!

I don't know who made that Godzilla Costume but whoever is inside that costume...HUGE kudos to them.

No doubt they went through a lot of work getting that thing done, and the results paid spectacularly!

Although I don't know who he's "fighting" in this clip? I don't recognize the purple-costume that guy has.

And of course who can ignore the sexy cosplay girl in there. Is there anything better at Comic Cons?

More cosplay girl pictures you say? No problem:


  1. I think thats supposed to be Juggernaut? Didnt you do a godzilla vs juggernaut post one time? lol

    -Matt (aka Caidema)

  2. Hey you're right! Now looking at it in context it sure is him. I had missed the brief part at the beginning where he had his helmet on.
