Sunday, March 4, 2012

Godzilla Movie News update! (Donations)

Hello everyone it's Fernando for Godzilla Movie News.

I wanted to take this time to profusely thank everyone who's been following this website for months now.

I really do appreciate everyone choosing to make this website their goto place for everything Godzilla related! Your views and your input is what drives me to do this, as without viewers none of this would happen.

I do this because just like yourselves I'm a huge Godzilla fan. I wanted a website that would provide the best Godzilla info possible, and as such this website remains dedicated to you all!

It's amazing how in a short period this website has grown exponentially. From a just a few views a day to now tens of thousands per month, everything is developing so quickly!

(Fyi I've also been working on creating a forum where we can all talk about Godzilla and other items on a daily basis! More info as it develops).

I promise everybody that I will continue to provide you all the best Godzilla info possible daily. Whether it's through the upcoming movie, comic books, video games, books, general news, etc., no info is too small to cover when it comes to the King of Monsters!

As such I wanted to ask everyone that if you enjoy what I'm doing with this site and you're so inclined, please feel free to donate anything ($0.50, $1.00, etc.) towards the upper right hand corner of this homepage.  As always one doesn't have to...but any such appreciation would be greatly enjoyed on my end!

Thanks again everybody, and here's to making 2012 the most successful year yet!

- Fernando

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