Thursday, April 5, 2012

Legendary Closes $275 Million Financing Deal

The has some great news regarding Legendary Pictures!

Apparently the company has been able to procure nearly $300 million in new financing that would allow them to a) pay off some of their debts, b) refinance others, and most importantly c) have capital to produce their own films.

I love reading financial stories because I'm a huge finance buff, doubly when matters have to do with this great company.

Everyone should get excited over this because this means Legendary Pictures is going nowhere!

Investors are happy with what Legendary Pictures has been producing, enough for others to jump in and help them grow.

Imagine if you had a business and it was becoming so successful others now want to become your business partner...that is what's going on here.

This all of course ties into the "Godzilla" film being produced by them, so it makes me all the more happier!

For the full article you'll find it here: Legendary Financing $275 million deal

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