Monday, April 2, 2012

Swierczynski Battles "Godzilla" has a great interview with writer Duane Swierczynski (try saying his last name three times) where he talks about his new stint on "Godzilla".

"Godzilla" is the upcoming series from IDW comics that is set a few years after the events of "Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters".

In this interview Duane goes over his plans for the series, which include a group of monster bounty hunters looking to capture some of the biggest kaiju around.

Already the plot sounds more cohesive than what was in "Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters", which denotes IDW forcing a more clearer path here.

Here's a great excerpt from his interview:

"Question: From what I understand, the new "Godzilla" series will be a "soft reboot" of IDW's previous ongoing. What aspects will you be bringing along from "Kingdom of Monsters," and how will your take be a departure from that series?

It takes place a few years after the events of that series, but it's a whole new cast of characters. What I think we're doing different, too, is that it's focused on a team who have gathered together to take down these monsters freelance. We've had enough, the government's dropped the ball, no one has figured this out, but we can, because we're bad asses. It's kind of fun, the arrogance of it. The leader thinks he can do it, he has a reason for doing it, and he's not doing it out of the goodness of his heart, either. Why do mercenaries typically take a job? It's for the money. [Laughs] He sees a great opportunity for giant monster killing."

Sounds great!

For the full interview follow the link below: Swierczynski Battles Godzilla

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