Friday, April 6, 2012

What should the new "Godzilla" movie be titled?

One curious thing about this Godzilla movie from Legendary Pictures is that there hasn't been any title announced.

Normally films debut their title long before any serious development begins.

Case in point, "Man of Steel", "The Dark Knight Rises", "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "Pacific Rim" all announced their titles as their first bit of development news.

George Lucas made it his forte during each prequel!

Not so with "Godzilla".

Up until now each script developed has failed to incorporate any title announcement, which makes me want to come up with my own just for fun.

Personally I think the COOLEST name this film can ever have is....


I like this title because a) it sounds original while still reminding you of Godzilla, b) calling it "Godzilla" would of course be exactly what the 1998 film was called, c) having added subtitles like "3D" or "2014" would just be too cheesy, d) it highlights that the movie would contain "monsters", and d) it sounds VERY powerful and epic.

What do you guys think?

Any suggestions on what you feel the title should be?


  1. Hmm, 'King of the Monsters' does have a nice ring to it as a title. However, I think it should technically be called simply 'Godzilla,' it appeals to the mass public better.

  2. Either Godzilla or Godzilla: King of the Monsters. It would be very cool that, if this becomes a trilogy, call it the King of the Monsters Trilogy.

  3. The King of Monsters.

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters is the americanized 1954 movie. Godzilla is the stain of develin and emmerich. It should stand very far apart from that stain.
