Sunday, August 28, 2011

Godzilla, King of the Monsters (Criterion Edition) to be produced!

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla movie news.

Great news for all us Godzilla fans!

The Criterion company is looking to create a new edition for the Gojira/Godzilla 1954 film

News for this began when Criterion recently asked worldwide fans if anyone had a copy of a 35mm film print to use as a master copy, and a copy considered the "Rosetta Stone" (i.e. best copy available) was found and looks to be used for this newest edition.

This is really great news for us Godzilla fans because the Criterion company is known for creating some of the best DVD/Blu-Ray editions for films.

These people are true film fans (if not fanatics), and as such they take great care in producing works that create the best visual, sound and packaging experience. Plus they incorporate some of the best behind-the-scenes materials for these releases, so who knows what great goodies we'll be getting once this new edition comes out.

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