Saturday, September 3, 2011

New "Godzilla: Legends" info

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla Movie News.

I have some more info to share regarding this new Godzilla series from IDW Comics.

As I had stated before in another article, this series is going to be different in that each issue will always be a one-shot. So whatever story started at the beginning of the issue also ends there.

This is something that I LOVE because one-shots tend to have some of the best stories around. There's something about knowing that the story will end that makes the reading so much more satisfying.

Especially when compared to other series' where one has to chase who knows how many issues just to get the complete picture. (Don't get me started on how Marvel and DC are guilty of this).

In any case here's the newest official news, all in the form of a synopsis about the issue:

"The Legends begin here! Presenting the first of five spotlight issues, each of which explore a self-contained story centering on one of Godzilla's fearsome foes! In this tale, drawn and co-written by Godzilla superstar artist Matt Frank, Anguirus, the armadillo-esque perpetual underdog, goes toe-to-toe with one of the most devastating monsters of all time -- Destroyah! It's a classic tale of David vs. Goliath... monster style!"

Neat huh! So not only is the first issue going to involve fan favorite Anguirus, but he's going up against the Monster that killed Godzilla himself, Destroyah.

I can't wait until this comes out!

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