Thursday, September 1, 2011

Godzilla Image of the Day

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla Movie news.

Now here is something that can truly merit the term "sea monster".

Again this is one of those cases where I wish I could find whom to give credit to for this incredible piece, but alas I could not.

Mixing the classical renaissance with Godzilla, who knew it would come out looking so good!

What the artist did here was essentially mix together what looks to be a renaissance era painting with the modern day King of Monsters. If these sailors truly wanted to meet a sea monster, they got one with Godzilla.

If I had done this painting I would've changed it to include one unique addition: rather than having this boat manned by random sailors, I would've included Captain Ahab from the great American Novel "Moby Dick". In this manner the "Moby Dick" he's been chasing all of his life for revenge would've been Godzilla.

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