Thursday, October 13, 2011

39 Things we learned from the Cloverfied commentary

I loved the Cloverfield movie.

I thought it was one of the best non-Godzilla "Godzilla" movies ever released, as it pretty much encapsulates everything that would make a great Godzilla movie.

Fantastic special effects, great tension/terror from the monster, a seemingly ineffective and continuous attack from the US military, and a group of characters all trapped in the middle...what more could anyone ask for?

Take for instance the attack from the military as the characters are walking down a street.

It was so instant, so fast, so relentless.

All we saw was a giant monster trying to dodge these strikes as the characters ran into a nearby subway station, all while missiles and bullets and explosives are striking nearby.

And because it was all shot in first-person perspective, it was almost as if we were truly there!

If Gareth Edwards could incorporate something like this and make it in 3D at the same time, Godzilla fans would be in heaven.

I sincerely hope that Gareth and Co. use this movie as a reference point when making their Godzilla movie, as there's a lot of good things that can be utilized.

(Although I would highly omit any of the nonsensical teenage drama that made up the first 30 minutes of the film).

In any case here's a great link showcasing some trivia from the film, and I thought I would post it here for all the other "Cloverfield" fans out there.

Enjoy! 39 Things We Learned from the Cloverfield Commentary

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