Sunday, October 9, 2011

Terror of Godzilla motion comic...part 1

This is another great Godzilla motion comic that I found on YouTube, this one made by user "metalmonkey666".

It's not necessarily a motion comic of sorts, but rather a running of each comic book panel with some recurring metal background music.

This is all based on the "Godzilla 1985"
movie, and is a color reprint of the original B&W comic that Dark Horse printed back in the 80's.

I have those original issues and thought everything was a great read.

It goes beyond what the movie portrays, as it adds many more scenes and dialogues not present in the film.

The artwork is fantastic, and seeing it now in color adds much more of an impact.

Take a look if you're interested, and I'll be adding more of these videos/issues along the way.


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