Sunday, October 9, 2011

What Could have Been: Godzilla vs the Devil?

Yes such a bizarre concept was considered within Toho Studios.

It actually stemmed from the supernatural trend that many movies had at the time.

Here's the official word:

“GODZILLA VS. THE DEVIL”—After the success of “The Omen” and “The Exorcist”, TOHO tried to give the Godzilla series a supernatural angle. The 1978 proposal involved humanity’s sin bringing forth a giant spider, a giant fish, and a giant rat. Godzilla defeats these, resulting in a fight between Godzilla and Satan himself. Despite being a Japanese/American production with a generous $4 million budget and a longer 110 minute running time, the project died a quick death.

What's interesting about this theme is how it would work throughout most of the world.

In the traditional Western World (i.e. North America) there's a very strong concept of God and the Devil.

But in most other parts (i.e. Non-Western) it's more Good vs. Evil, and how this battle stems from within rather than some supernatural force.

In any case such a movie had little chance of being made.

Besides this bizarre notion instantly alienating most Godzilla fans, such a large budget would have guaranteed Toho going under if it all failed.

Toho is not known for spending large amounts of money on their own films.

Even by 2004 dollar standards, their largest budget ever was for "Godzilla Final Wars
" at $19 million.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, this idea sounded pretty cool. I guess Vs. Destroyah will be the closest we'll get.
