Tuesday, October 11, 2011

John Carpenter wants to do a Godzilla film?

Legendary filmaker John Carpenter just did an interview for heyuguys.co.uk, where he talked about his past and current works.

Anybody who's followed Carpenter's career (like me) knows that the man can do fantastic work.

From "The Thing" to "Halloween" to "Big Trouble from Little China", the man has made enough memorable films to last several lifetimes.

I personally LOVED "The Thing
", and still find it to be one of the best horror films within the past century.

Carpenter knows how to seriously create mood and tension, and capitalizes it with great storylines and fantastic special effects.

How amazing it was then to hear that when asked if he'd ever do a big monster movie, the first thing he said is that he'd love to do a "Godzilla" movie.

How great would that be!

You want horror and terror within a Godzilla film, you've got it with him.

You want ground breaking special effects intertwined with good characters and a storyline, you've got it here.

Oh the possibilities.

In any case here's the full interview for further reference, and I highly recommend everybody to give it a read.


Heyuguys.co.uk: Exclusive John Carpenter Interview

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