Thursday, October 13, 2011

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters Vol. 1 TPB Review

There's a good review over on about the newly released Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters TPB.

Anyone who has followed my posts on this series (seen under my Godzilla Comic book news section) knows I do not have much love for it.

Most of the blame falls on the sophomoric attempts by writer Eric Powell at trying to mix off-brand humour within monster battles.

From his crazy obsession with satirizing pop symbols (Lady Gaga, The Jersey Shore) to stereotyping certain political parties and states (Republicans and Texans), I was surprised at the level of absurdity found within each issue.

What's frustrating is that there are still times when things are a good read.

Such as when Powell has the President and team form an official response to the attacks, or the introduction of the soldier looking to find himself within these battles.

In any case here's the link to the IGN review, and the author here has a more positive response to this particular volume, including his own thoughts on artist Phil Hester's work (which I had previously chided): Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters Vol. 1 TPB Review

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