Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Godzilla Image of the Day

This is a preproduction artwork from the 1998 Dean Devlin/Roland Emmerich "Godzilla" movie.

Most of the concept artwork was done by special effects and all around designer Patrick Tatopoulos, who was credited with creating this reimagining of the monster.

Discussions about how well/horrible this reimagining was put aside, what's interesting is that this piece truly showcases Godzilla firing his radioactive breath.

Of course we all know by now that in the movie the closest resemblance was the so-called "hurricane wind breath", but here it remains in all of its glory.

I wonder at what point the decision was made to remove this radioactive breath, and by whom? This was obviously one of the most noted criticisms of the design, because Godzilla's fire breath is his most recognizable feature. (It would be like having a new Superman movie and not utilizing the "S" symbol on the costume).

My guess is that Emmerich made this choice, because as director he ultimately has the option of deciding what goes and what stays. I would imagine he discarded this radioactive breath for the sake of realism, but then again what's realistic of a 300 foot tall mutated iguana?

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