Monday, September 5, 2011

Weird Godzilla Toy...part 12

Is this crude representation suppose to be Godzilla?

Because if it is then I suggest the toymakers take a serious look at one of his movies again, as I've never seen Godzilla look like this.

Everything about this toy is wrong. The face is the worst as it looks more like a Ninja Turtle than anything else.

Seriously, if one would superimpose a bandana around the eyes it would look like one of the turtles!

Then the toy Godzilla here is standing erect, which gives it a more humanoid opposed to the forward tilting Godzilla's posture usually has.

The strangest thing however is that this Godzilla toy has his tongue flick out like a snake!

Now upon closer inspection this "tongue" is actually suppose to be his fire breath. You can see how the arrows that are mimicking the direction that this "fire" is suppose to go.

But because it looks like the shape of a tongue and has the same coloring as a tongue...well one can't help but think of it as a tongue.

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