Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Godzilla Trivia of the Day

Did you know...

That this film was intentionally made as a kid's film, as opposed to the usual teenage/young adult audience that previous Godzilla films targeted.

This is why most of the film utilizes a small boy as the main character, and has a side character consisting of a toy maker. While most of other Godzilla films consisted of warfare and darker villains, this movie's kid-centric approach changed such themes.

(As a little side note of trivia, it's interesting to note that the toy maker was played by Hideyo Amamoto, who had previously played vile gangsters, criminals, and other bad men in other films).

I believe that such a kiddie approach (despite the dark title "Godzilla's Revenge") is the main reason why this movie is considered so subpar. As anybody whose seen kids film knows, the writing, acting, directing is always dumbed down so that their main audience can enjoy the experience.

Whether this should be in a Godzilla movie is still up to debate, but one can only look at the results here to see otherwise.


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