Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #4 Rankings

And the tumble continues.

Last we had checked the "Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters" comic book looked to be stabilizing in sales.

While there was a steep drop between the 1st and 2nd issues, the 3rd issue centered on a set number of sales, with the anticipation that this trend would continue throughout the rest of the issues.

Boy was I wrong.

Issues #4 tumbled to 228th place (out of 300) with total sales of 7,570.

That's about a 50% drop from the third issue, which had originally sold 14,588 issues!

It looks like the negative responses that this series has been obtaining form both critics and fans is finally catching up to it. Comic book retailers (who make up the numbers on these sales) must have seen how many copies issues were left unsold in their stores, and as such they ordered less this time around.

Is there anything that looks to make this series turn around in sales?

Only a set of solid storytelling and good reviews can do this, and thus far things don't seem to point that way.

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