Monday, January 23, 2012

"Bambi meets Godzilla" creator wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Marv Newland, famed creator of the ridiculous short animated film "Bambi Meets Godzilla", just won a Lifetime Achievement Award in Vancouver, Canada.

Ever since working on that 1969 short, Marv had contributed much work into the field of Film and Television, particularly though his production company "International Rocketship Limited".

This company developed a multitude of commercials, cartoons, animated-shorts, and other projects, and worked with various big-time TV channels such as MTV, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Lifetime, and so on.

This was all enough to earn him this award during the "Vancouver Film Critics Circle" award show held earlier this year.

Kudos to Marv for winning this award, as all of this creativity first stemmed from his still popular (although I still consider it to be very ridiculous) student short-film "Bambi meets Godzilla".

Here's the article stating this info along with the other winners at that award show: Vancouver critics name The Artist top film of 2011

And once again here's the full "Bambi Meets Godzilla" animated-short for your viewing pleasure:

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