Thursday, January 26, 2012

Outside the Box: Fear Itself: Book of Skull motion comic

****Credit goes to YouTube user "Kayjay Comics" for this****

Those who have been following my Godzilla website for a while know how big of a fan I am of motion comics.

(You can see all the past examples of these posts under my Godzilla motion comics tab).

I love them because the added sound effects and music (and in some cases voice work) truly help bring the comic to life!

But at the same time they respect the original source by keeping all of the original artwork in tact, which essentially creates the best of both worlds.

(One of the best examples remains the fantastic "Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic" that was released a few years back).

In any case I'm expanding the videos I post on motion comics to introduce other great pieces of work, such as superhero motion comics from the DC and Marvel universe.

For this inaugural edition I'll introduce a great one that "Kayjay Comics" no doubt spent a lot time on, this one focusing on the "Fear Itself Book Of The Skull (One Shot)" that was released last year.

It's a really great video to watch and I hope everyone enjoys it!

More to come soon!

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