Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chinese Zodiac - 2012, Year of the Dragon

Interesting note about 2012, one that goes to show how perfect it would have been for Legendary Pictures and Co. to have released the newest "Godzilla" movie this year:

This year the Chinese Zodiac Calendar will reflect the year of the Dragon!

Dragons of course were giant mythical creatures that tales described as stalking the Earth...and pouring fire out of their mouths.

Does that not sound like Godzilla in almost every sense?

While he doesn't utilize fire, he still has his radioactive/atomic breath that does the same trick. Plus at least in the original "Gojira" he was considered a mythical sea God.

What perfect timing this newest Godzilla would have had if it had debuted this year!

For further info about this year's Chinese Zodiac follow this link: Chinese Zodiac - 2012, Year of the Dragon

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