Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What to make of these "Strange Sounds" videos

Above is another "Strange Sounds" video that is garnering the most views yet.

It includes some new videos along with some of the older ones we've already seen.

It was uploaded just a week ago and already has more than 1,600,000+ views, which denotes the feverish interest that people have on this subject.

I still see posts that allude to viral marketing tied in with the newest Godzilla movie, or with the anticipated sequel for "Cloverfield".

(Such articles you can find here and here).

I've even read rumors that this all tied into the new kaiju-centric film "Pacific Rim" currently being made by Guillermo Del Toro.

Thanks to Godzilla fan "Caidema" though, he found some good posts where people claim these sounds are nothing more than Earth made sounds, such as plate tectonics, the wind, etc.

One of these posts even includes a map highlighting where these events are happening, and here one can see a pattern developing.

(You can find these posts here and here).

So what to make of these "Strange Sounds" videos?

Are they viral marketing? Something natural? A hoax? E.T. messing around with us.

I honestly don't know. In fact I'm siding more towards these things being a hoax...or if anything least with that "Pacific Rim" movie.  (I do hope that the new "Godzilla" movie has something to do with this).

But what I do know is that such a topic is infinitely interesting to wonder and post about.

I love love love these kind of things, and I look forward to seeing more of these videos as they come along.

You better believe I'll keep posting more news about this as it occurs.

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