Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Godzilla Casino game to be featured at a new Casino

A little while back I had mentioned the release of a kick-ass new Godzilla Casino slot game in Las Vegas.

(See the article here for all of that info).

Now comes word that a brand new casino called the "Northern Edge Navajo Casino" is opening later on this month in Durango, CO...

...and front and center as one of the premier games will be this incredible Godzilla Casino game!

It's great to see this sweet looking game featured in such a manner.

Even with just a brief glimpse of this game below, one can tell how amazing it looks and plays.

I promise you that the next time I'm in Vegas (which could be later on this year) I will find one of these games and play it to my heart's content.

Here's the original article for further info about this debut: More Bets More Fun

And as a bonus here's the video of this game again:

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