Sunday, January 8, 2012

Outside the Box: "The Infinity Gauntlet" review

****NOTE: I had mentioned earlier that I had big plans for this website this year. Part of these plans involve discussing items outside of Godzilla. Mainly items that I find an interest in (comic books, movies, computers, science, etc.) that I would like to share with others out there, thus dubbing this section "Outside the Box". Enjoy!****

Destroyer14 has a great review on one of my favorite comic book events ever, "The Infinity Gauntlet".

I call it great because he perfectly encapsulates everything that made the series work so well. The series' scope was both galactic and intimate at the same time.

At the heart of the story was the Mad God Thanos wishing to obtain the love of Mistress Death, and the ends to which he would force that to happen.

Simple yet very effective.

Mingled in here was every major Marvel superhero throwing everything they had at Thanos, which made this one of the best underdog stories ever.

The action was great, the surprises were original (it was amazing when Thanos' granddaughter gains the upperhand), the stakes were the highest I've ever seen (with Celestials coming into the battle), the covers were fantastic (just look at issue 4's for example)...nothing has since been as grand and operatic as this.

The ending was also very satisfying.

I loved the final shot of a humbled Thanos seeking solace from growing a simple opposed to seeking ultimate power. The analogy is both perfect and poetic.

In any case I highly recommend everybody to grab a copy below if you haven't read it. Of all the countless events both Marvel and DC have plagued us with, nothing comes as close as the impact this series has had.

Here's Destroyer14's review: Retro Event Review, The Infinity Gauntlet

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