Sunday, January 8, 2012

Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths TPB rankings

The report is out and the "Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths" TPB has landed in a pretty good spot.

Coming in at number 88 with 1,179 copies sold, it falls within the top 100! Not bad for the little-series-that-never-could.

While I know selling 1,000 copies doesn't sound very impressive, one has to remember that these are TPBs we are talking about.

They come with higher pricing so comic book companies make more per volume here than with individual issues.

Plus they are essentially reselling something they've already recouped original costs it's a great form of double-dipping.

Personally I love TPBs.

I prefer them far more than monthly issues because it's great to get the entire story all at once, but that's just me.

(One of my favorite hobbies remains purchasing used TPBs through, as one can easily obtain the same comic for a fraction of the price).

In any case I still recommend everybody to give this series a read.

It's a great detective story mixed in with great kaiju-fighting, what more can anyone ask for?

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