Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Outside the Box: Heather Morris, Silent Hill 3 Interview

Like most other science fiction/video game fans, I have loved loved loved the Silent Hill franchise.

From the games, to the movie(s), to the soundtracks, to the comic books, it's an incredible world that Konami and Co. have created.

One particular game that stands out is Silent Hill 3, which found Heather Mason entering this world like Alice entering Wonderland.

What I loved about this game was the realistic (at least as realistic as these things get) approach to Heather's experience.

How she reacted to the people and creatures around her was both convincing and terrifying, and it's no secret that most of this came from talented actress Heather Morris.

For those not in the know, Heather Morris is the actress who played "Heather Mason". She literally was Heather as she provided both the voice and motion-capture effects.

So convincing was she that the character's name was originally going to be called "Helen Mason". But after the Konami folks witnessed Heather in action, they immediately switched it over to her name.

Gamingliberty.com now has an interview with Heather Morris, where she talks about her experiences on this game and reveals amazing details regarding its making.

I highly recommend any Silent Hill fan to take a look.  It will definitely be worth your time. Enjoy!:

thegamingliberty.com: Heather Mason speaks; an interview with Heather Morris

BONUS: Here's a very nice video chronicling the making of this game. You'll get to see Heather Morris in action.

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