Monday, January 9, 2012

Godzilla: Legends #3 Review

Destroyer14 over at has placed the latest review for the Godzilla Legends series, this time for issue #3.

I've personally only read issue #1, as I'm still awaiting a trip to my local comic book store to pick up the latest issues.

But after reading issue #1 it I found it to kick things off spectacularly. If I had to code it into one word it's "fun fun fun"!

The same sentimentality I hope is found within the rest of issues, and judging by Destroyer14's review it looks like that element is still there...but with more drama.

Although how can too much drama be involved when we have fan-favorite Titanosaurus as the featured kaiju!

Check out his review below and beneath that a chance to pick up the issue. I still think things are going great for the series, and I look forward to seeing more of these issues as they come out. Godzilla: Legends #3 Review

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