Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Godzilla Monster of Monsters! Nintendo Review

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla Movie News.

Ah yes, I'm sure we all remember playing this game as little kids.

What's interesting about this video game is the feeling I had right after first playing it.

Even as a kid I was surprised at how underwhelming the game was. I mean look at some of the images here:

While I realized that the graphics at the time weren't exactly arcade level, I was more surprised by the lack of gameplay. Godzilla essentially moved forward and punched items away, with the occasional fire breath to give out and a tail swipe. That's pretty much it.

I mean look at something like Mario Bros. for the Nintendo. Essentially the same concept of moving forward and punching bad guys away, but that gameplay is somehow leagues better than this one.

Then when a boss would come out I would think it'd get much better:

Nope, pretty much still the same gameplay as before.

This is one game that became boring very quick, and needless to say it wasn't rented much by me thereafter.

Still I would have to give this game around 3/5 stars if only for the fact that the game stayed true to the Godzilla franchise by incorporating actual Toho monsters, rather than cheaping out and making them up.

Here's some actual gameplay if anybody wants to reminise about the game too:

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