Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Godzilla Random Image of the Day

This is an image of the limited edition "Godzilla G-Force" watch that was released some few years back.

While it looks like to me like any other $10 digital watch that one can buy at a Target store, apparently this watch would set you back more than $150, at least according to a sales listing I once saw on it.

Why the watch costs $150 is beyond me, as again it looks to have the same plastic and metal pieces as any other digital watch. I don't see any fancy technology like an MP3/4 or USB port on it; just the usual digital watch features i.e. alarm, date, stop watch, etc.

What's most interesting though is that the only Godzilla related item on the watch are what appear to be his dorsal finds on the wrist band. Otherwise there's no picture of Godzilla, just the added name on the face of the watch itself albeit in really tiny letters.

So if you're in the mood of spending $150 on something like this for some pictures of Godzilla's dorsal fins, I'm certain there's sellers out there ready to ship one to you. Otherwise I'd recommend spending that money instead on other Godzilla related items like DVDs or books.

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