Thursday, August 18, 2011

Godzilla Random Image of the Day

*Credit goes to Darren Naish for this image*

It was bound to happen, somebody finally decided to interpret Godzilla's insides.

Very interesting image in my opinion, as creator of this image Darren Naish gives a very good interpretation of what Godzilla's inner body would look like.

Where the muscles and organs are make sense, as Godzilla would naturally be an overgrown lizard, so his body should constitute the same parameters as one. What I mean here is there's nothing weird like 5 hearts, 10 lungs and rotating intestines and so forth.

I remember seeing a science show once (for the life of me I cannot remember what it was, but it was something on the Discovery Channel) that stated that a living animal like Godzilla could never physically walk the Earth. And the reason is because Earth's gravity would give so much exertion that Godzilla's legs would instantly collapse under the pressure.

The show explained that this is the reason why nature has never developed 300+ foot tall animals, because gravity can only allow so much for an animal's evolution when it comes to height.

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