Friday, August 19, 2011

Super Godzilla (Super Nintendo) Game Review

Hello everybody this is Fernando for godzillamovienews.

Now this is more like it! Here is a game that I felt truly excelled when it came to the Godzilla gaming franchise, which is why it has remained such a hallmark even after all of these years.

What made this game so marvelous was the unique approach to its gameplay. Rather than make this a standard fight-and-punch type game (one that plagued the aforementioned Godzilla NES game), the creators chose to make this as much as a "film" as it is a game.

Take a look at the following shots to see what I mean:

You'll instantly notice that it does not look like any average game here. Instead it incorporates a more cinematic feel, where the top half of the screen looks like a motion picture of sorts, and the bottom half provides more detail about what's going on.

Sound familiar? It's exactly like any interactive DVD/Blu-Ray that's out there right now, and that is what made this game so revolutionary. It was so ahead of its time.

Then when Godzilla faced major enemies are when things really became interesting:

You'll now notice there's extra "action" shots of sorts showcasing every attack in cinematic detail.  Very cool stuff because one gets to see Godzilla's dorsal fins light up dramatically just before he shoots his fire breath, or one sees a sweeping camera move across an enemy just as they're about to attack.

How awesome was it for the game developers to include such incredible little details. They could have easily made this just another ordinary romp-and-stomp game.  But instead they chose to expertly craft as many little nuances as possible to make each action as impactful as ever.

All in all I give this game 5/5 stars for the great work the game developers did here, and one extra note goes to the amazing graphics involved. It's only a Super Nintendo game but they seemed to maximize as much detail as possible out of each sprite.

But don't just take my word for it. Here's some great video play as proof:

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