Thursday, August 18, 2011

Weird Godzilla Toy...part 8

This is a "Godzilla Drink Dispenser", the perfect toy for your average Godzilla coaster fan!

I'm still looking at this item and wondering exactly how one would operate it. The drink goes in the middle of Godzilla's where does one exactly drink the drink out of?

I'm thinking that it may be you have to drink out of his mouth?  How weird would that be? You would literally have to hold the drink about 6 inches above your head in order to make it work right...

...or you can simply plant your lips on Godzilla's and do it that way. Either way it's a lose-lose situation.

The closest solution I can think of is utilizing a straw, but then that defeats the purpose of this "Drink Dispenser" in the first place.

Weird toy.  Definitely better as a visual apparatus rather than utilizing its intended function.

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