Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weird Godzilla Toy...part 7

Lipstick on Godzilla? Scary looking eyes?

If you want a weird Godzilla toy to add to your collection, then it does not get any better than this.

First off I want to know what exactly the toymakers were thinking when they placed that red stuff on Godzilla's lips. Sure it's probably suppose to be a representation of his fire breath, but did they not see what the final results would end up looking like.

From no angle does the red stuff not look like lipstick. I mean am I right or am I right? The only other thing it could look like is blood, and I'm quite certain they didn't want to represent that.

Even beyond that are the bulging cross-eyes emanating from Godzilla's face. Talk about scary looking. One can imagine this toy sitting on top of a shelf in your room, and it's the dead of night, and all you can see in the darkness are these bulging eyes looking straight at you.  It's like the toymakers wanted to ensure that kids would have nightmares each night after looking at this thing.

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