Monday, August 15, 2011

Weird Godzilla toy...part 6

Look at how freaky this particular Godzilla toy is. It looks like some demented version of Godzilla's skeleton, like something we would see within a SAW movie or any other torture flick.

This is actually a "3D Godzilla Woodcraft Model", and the idea behind it is for kids to find the time/patience associated with placing all 56 pieces together in order to form this final image.

I can see why a parent would want this for their child, as it teaches discpline, procedures and goals for any child looking to finish this. Patience is the key here, as all of the pieces have to be interlocked in a correct manner in order for things to work.

But I can't see how any kid would really enjoy this. Place this Godzilla toy alongside a standard Godzilla articulated toy and see which one the child truly goes with. I bet you 99% of the time it will be the articulated toy, as kids just want to play and have fun, not have to become puzzle masters in order to get things rolling.

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